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Career Coaching

Do you feel stuck in a job that is no longer fulfilling?


If you think it's time to get a promotion, find a new employer or even become self-employed, career coaching can help to accelerate the process.




Noel Clerkin Executive Coach

Hi...I'm Noel 

In 2001, I suffered a burnout at work. Back then I was working in financial services in New York and I simply couldn't carry on. I was in the wrong job and it made me feel fatigued and stressed. 


After some time out, I decided to become a coach. People thought I was a bit crazy, since that wasn't a popular career choice back then. Well 20 years later, here I am still coaching individuals and teams, so I guess it wasn't such a bad decision!


I have coached hundreds of people who have been facing all sorts of professional and personal challenges. These days I mainly work with senior executives but I also enjoy helping people in various walks of life.


Given my own experiences, I have a special interest in helping people to live and work in a balanced way so they can avoid burnout. This often includes working with clients to help them find the job or career that is most rewarding for them.  


Maybe I can help you too!


What does Career Coaching include?

Coaching is widely accepted as a key development tool for those who perform in work or sports.


Our career coaching service helps people to get clear on what they need to do in order to have a fulfilling experience at work. Clients are given a supportive space to think through the untapped opportunities that may be available to them. 


When we work together to explore your career path, you will have the opportunity to discuss the following areas:


  • Aligning your work with your strengths, passions and values 

  • Understanding your deeper purpose

  • Navigating career opportunities with your current employer  

  • Resolving conflicts and preparing for difficult conversations

  • Getting a promotion

  • Deciding what you want from a new employer

  • Interview preparation and salary negotiation  

  • Self-employment options

  • Confidence building 


Life is too short to stay in a role that is no longer right for you.  

Contact us today for a free 20-minute confidential consultation to tell us about your unique situation. 

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Special Offer

We encourage clients to book a block of sessions in advance as it demonstrates a deeper commitment to the process.

With this coaching package offer, you pay £570 for 6 sessions (£95 per session)*.

A one-off session will cost £105.  


Each session is 1-hour online via Zoom or Teams. 

Get in touch for a free 20 min consultation where you can discuss your situation and decide whether coaching is right for you.  




* This is a non-corporate rate, suitable for individual clients.  

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